

The Unified Office of Doctors 



July 7th, 2022




RE: Health condition of the detained protestor Saif El-Islam Esam El-Din Mohammed


The revolutionary Saif El-Islam Esam El-Din Mohammed is currently imprisoned by the coup authorities, while his health condition can only be described as critical.


Over the past couple of days Saif El-Islam has been transfered to a hospital in the Capital. Upon examination it was evident that his condition is unstable, requiring hospitalization and close monitoring. 


Saif El-Islam was referred to a different hospital for laboratory testing and necessary imaging to confirm his diagnosis, and was to be returned to continue his care at the first hospital. Upon completion he was taken back to prison and never returned to his treating physician. 


Regarding the health status of Saif El-Islam, we at the Unified Doctors office assert the following:


1- Imprisoning Saif El-Islam in his current health condition cannot be justified. He should immediately be transferred to a hospital to receive necessary care.


2- Saif El-Islam suffers from physical and psychological ailments requiring multidisciplinary, comprehensive medical care.


3- We hold the coup authorities responsible for his health condition, and we will work hand in hand with the Emergency Lawyers group as well as our other partners to shed light on all violations against this revolutionary.







» Central Committee Of Sudans Doctors

» Sudan Doctors Union 

» Committee of Consultants and Specialists