Central Committee of Sudan Doctors CCSD’s

Central Committee of Sudan Doctors CCSD’s

The Unified Office of Sudan Doctors


January 1st , 2022


Security Forces Prevented a Wounded Civilian from being transferred to hospital in a deliberate human right violation



On December 30 , 2021, the Security forces stopped an ambulance while transferring a civilian sustaining a critical neck wound from a live ammunition, & was placed on mechanical ventilator


Security forced aimed their guns at the ambulance & forces the wounded civilian & accompanying medical team out of the ambulance. The medical team risked their lives & had to transfer the wounded civilian on foot while carrying an oxygen tank before accessing a private vehicle to get him to Omdurman hospital


The Unified Office of Sudan Doctors strongly condemns the abhorrent violations of human rights that have been occurring since the military coup. From a moral and professional standpoint, we also condemn depriving the injured and sick of access to health care and preventing the medical staff from performing their duties




