An Update on Fatalities and Injuries caused by  attacks Against Civilians by Leaders of Military Coup and their Militias.

An Update on Fatalities and Injuries caused by attacks Against Civilians by Leaders of Military Coup and their Militias.

Central Committee of Sudan Doctors (CCSD)

November 5th, 2021 


An Update on Fatalities and Injuries caused by attacks Against Civilians by Leaders of Military Coup and their Militias.


CCSD’s data confirms that the number of civilians killed to date as a result of the excessive use of force by Leaders of Military Coup and their Militias, has risen to 14 since the coup took place on October 25th, 2021.

Mohamed Abdelsalam passed away on October 27th, 2021 from a live ammunition wound sustained on October 25th, 2021 in Oumdourman. Another unidentified civilian was killed with live ammunition. The body was found at Bashaeer Hospital’s Morgue.




Three (3) civilians were wounded with live ammunition fired forces belonging to Leaders of the Military Coup and their Militias on November 2nd, 2021 in karari, Omdurman. 


7 Civilians were wounded with live ammunition in Zalingei city, during the October 30th Marches. One case is in critical condition. 


CCSD’s data confirms that the number of civilians wounded to date by Leaders of Military Coup and their militias has risen to 181. Many of those injuries are in critical conditions and some with a permanent disability.


CCSD is certain that there are wounded civilians unaccounted for in the capital city and other regions due to the barbaric attacks by those militias. The disruption of the internet & communication services across the country in addition to declaring a state of emergency made it difficult to investigate and confirm the number of cases as per our standard procedure.





CCSD’s Media Office

November 5th, 2021